Competition Map Information

Map Datum: World Geodetic System 1984
Common Launch Points
Name Location Description
CLP1 78920/34550

Prohibited Zones
Number Name Type Description
1 PZ1 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 82920/43910, with a radius of 600 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 1500 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Military Antenna PZ was added on Friday, September 09 2005 at 08:50.
2 PZ2/PZ3 Blue Irregular shaped PZ bounded by 58393/29052*0, 58568/27721*0, 69853/17614*0, 97075/21227*0, 98915/27730*0, 95160/56421*0, 82755/58193*0, 60758/52196*0. Maximum altitude ASL is 6500 feet. CTR & TMA PZ was added on Friday, September 09 2005 at 08:53.
5 PZ5 Red Cylindrical shaped PZ centered at 86850/47050, with a radius of 600 metres. Minimum altitude ASL is 2000 feet (0 feet AGL). Elevation of PZ is 0 feet. Ostrich farm PZ was added on Friday, September 09 2005 at 08:56. logo